
Showing posts from March, 2008

"Never again" really doesn't mean what it used to...

Oh dude, they should totally have made this movie...

"Sophie From Shinola," part the fourth

How today's weather made me a sad panda

Another quiz, but this one's easy

Friday night movie

War is hell

Banging up the furniture

The essay portion counts twenty percent of the final grade

Neverwednesday Nights

Oh By The Way: Atom Heart Mother

Well, damn

The test

Oh yeah, it's Easter, right?

Because I can't think of anything else to write about right now, we're going to have astronomy class...

Friday night movie

Finally, a government policy I can agree with

In which I contribute to an internet meme which should just be allowed to die, already

Something isn't right...

Other than that, it was a nice drive home

Quote of the day (Or: "A Hallmark Passion")

Neverwednesday Nights

A more perfect union...

Goodnight, Sir Arthur

Layers and layers and layers

The paranoid view

Hooray, me!

Going to try to do some writing

Crap, I haven't written a blog entry for today yet

Friday night movie

Quote of the day

Something of an important announcement

I guess it's not like he can run away or anything...

Slate, conventional wisdom, and E. Gary Gygax

For the gamers...

Flash! Oh-ohhhh! King of the impossible!


Lost time is a sign of alien abduction