
Showing posts from October, 2008

I was so irate earlier, I forgot to mention someting important and unrelated...


Halloween movies month: The Haunting

Okay, that's pretty cool

Halloween movies month: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Neverwednesday Nights (Halloween Double Feature!!!)

Equal time for endorsements!

But in Technology Heaven, boys and girls, Betamax will now have company...

Oh, great news--thanks, science, thanks a lot...

Bill Ayers, right-wing hypocrites, and the Second Amendment


Not your kids' Saturday morning cartoon

This may be the most insane endorsement ad of the whole damn campaign...

Please comment!

Breaking news!

Neverwednesday Nights

The Return Of Radiation Man

I'd like to tell you a story, about a little... er... dog, if I can...

This is why I always liked you, General