
Showing posts from April, 2009

Flitting Specter

Neverwednesday Nights

Aww, c'mon, baby, I was only kidding--you know I'd never leave you...

I tried to come up with a clever title and decided to just hit "publish" instead

Busy again, have some Nick Cave

Anyone still here?

I like Ike

Because I'm totally changing my affiliation if I can

Friday night movie

Yes, but the real question is whether he has a letter from his lawyer...

Shepard Smith for the win

Another brief follow-up

A dissenter's response

Snark of the day

Neverwednesday Nights

I might be okay with that...

The tale of poor Onald

A realistic view of human nature

My latest crush

"I can sum it up in three words: 'Evolution is a lie.'"

Criminal taxation!

The good, the bad, and the ugly news

You're freakin' kidding, right?

That's so weird... in the version I saw, it was Jack Oakie who was just like Mussolini...

An update: the "Bush Six"

Neverwednesday Nights

The Ring Of Gyges