Because I'm totally changing my affiliation if I can
Okay, maybe I need to become a Democrat.
It seems there's a contingent--I couldn't make this up--of the Republican party that wants to bring a resolution to a vote by the Republican National Committee to... to... I'm sorry, I keep cracking up. Well, here:

It seems there's a contingent--I couldn't make this up--of the Republican party that wants to bring a resolution to a vote by the Republican National Committee to... to... I'm sorry, I keep cracking up. Well, here:

"In just a few months, the goal of the Obama administration has become clear and obvious - to restructure American society along socialist ideals," Mr. [James] Bopp said in summarizing the first resolution. The resolution's chief sponsor is Washington state RNC member Jeff Kent, and it calls on the Democrats to be "truthful and honest with the American people by renaming themselves the Democrat Socialist Party."
-Ralph Z. Hallow, "Steele urged to label Obama a socialist"
Washington Times, April 23rd, 2009
Washington Times, April 23rd, 2009
If I join the Democrats, can I introduce a resolution calling upon the Republican Party to rename themselves "The Stupid Doody-Heads Who Smell And Are Stupid And Smell Like Doody Because We're Stupid Doody-Heads And We Also Smell Like Pee"? And then they'd, you know, have to start calling themselves that? Or do I have to wait a year or something before I can make the motion? Because I'd probably get bored and forget about it if I had to wait a year. But if I can do it as soon as I change my voter registration, that would be totally sweet.
Do I have any registered Democrats in the audience who would second me?
On a completely unrelated note, I'm pre-posting this partly because I'm scheduled to have lunch with my Mom and then attend a friend's birthday party in the evening, so I'm unlikely to be around today. Try not to wreck up the place any. I think I'm out of beer, but help yourself to the el Mayor and the popcorn is in the pantry beside the fridge. Michelle, you can sit on the sofa if it's not too gay for you. There are movies upstairs. Try not to scare the cat, he's people-shy.
Maybe I'll schedule a music video or something to pop up later in the day. Whether I get to it or not, everyone have a cromulent Saturday, eh?
Do I have any registered Democrats in the audience who would second me?
On a completely unrelated note, I'm pre-posting this partly because I'm scheduled to have lunch with my Mom and then attend a friend's birthday party in the evening, so I'm unlikely to be around today. Try not to wreck up the place any. I think I'm out of beer, but help yourself to the el Mayor and the popcorn is in the pantry beside the fridge. Michelle, you can sit on the sofa if it's not too gay for you. There are movies upstairs. Try not to scare the cat, he's people-shy.
Maybe I'll schedule a music video or something to pop up later in the day. Whether I get to it or not, everyone have a cromulent Saturday, eh?
Want to know what I sometimes wonder? If the politicians who indulge in such grandstanding actually take it seriously, or are they ALSO laughing out loud when thy get home?
Mr. Bopp: Honey, I'm home!
Mrs. Bopp: How was your day, dear?
Mr. Bopp: Cool! I cracked myself up with a resolution to make the Democrats admit their socialists! Hee!
Mrs. Bopp: Really? That IS funny! Your male prostitute/massage therapist/crack dealer is waiting for you in the parlor, by the way...
(eyes the sofa suspiciously)
(opts for the kitchen table)
(jumps up)
OK. Eric is a bachelor, but he HAS to have chocolate in here somewhere!
(starts rummaging through cupboards and drawers)
I don't think these are in Eric's size!
(opens another drawer)
I am SO GLAD I don't live in Utah.
That is some scary shit right there.