This may be the most insane endorsement ad of the whole damn campaign...

So insane, matter of fact, I don't even have a snappy comment.


Nathan said…

That may be the most...

Sorry, I can't think of the words either. I'm pretty sure the next ad will be Stephen Baldwin bitching about liberals and using clips from this ad.
kimby said…
OPIE for president!

See, your election is SO much more fun. Ours, well, not so much.
mattw said…
The Fonze says "Aaaaaaaaa. Don't vote for McCaaaaaaaain and Paaaaaaaalin."
Janiece said…

::blink, blink::


::scratch, scratch::

Sorry. I got nothing.
Tania said…
I love the bit with "Shoots Moose? I thought she was loose!"

Anonymous said…
I am SO happy that you all have THAT endorsement.

Please....keep it.
Eric said…
Um--they didn't endorse us, they endorsed Obama. But if Andy Griffith endorsed me, that would be awesome.

* * * * *

The one time I spoke with Andy Griffith--true story--it was on the telephone. I'm working as a production assistant on a pretty awful movie adaptation of a Stephen King story (it was between my 2L and 3L years of law school, and I needed a cheap used car so I could take clinic third year), and I'm answering phones in the office. This was early on in things, the production office had just opened.

So, the phone rings, and I answer, and the voice on the other end says, "This is Andy Griffith," and asks if my then-stepmom (who was the production manager, and had given me the job--nepotism helps) is there.

Exactly one second before the words, "Yeah, right, joker, no who is this really" cross my tongue, I remember my then-stepmom had previously and recently been working on Matlock in some capacity. (I think it was Matlock, though Matlock doesn't show on her IMDB page.)

So I took a message from Andy Griffith.

As a bit of perspective for any non-North Carolinians out there: Andy Griffith is something of a folk hero in this state. Show me a North Carolinian over the age of thirty who can't conversationally use the Andy Griffith Show to illustrate some human foible or philosophical point, and I'll show you a transplanted New Yorker.
vince said…
Much sadness. The video is no longer available, so I can't see it and enjoy it, as well as make sense of all the comments.
Eric said…
Rejoice, Vince! I've substituted the bootlegged YouTube embed code for the official FunnyOrDie embed code, and now everyone can watch the video again!
Anonymous said…
Barney THAT would be an endorsement! Followed up, no doubt by Potsey.
And you have a problem with Don Knotts why?
Anonymous said…
I thought it was fairly cute. Not hilarious, but cute. But then, I like Ron Howard. And I like that he ended on on a "just vote" message.

But yeah - 50 year old Ron and Henry reprising their roles? ::blink::
Eric said…
Yeah, it wasn't exactly funny, Jeri, just extraordinarily surreal. And the mind sort of boggles if you wonder how it came about and what made the three of them do it--was it Howard's idea? Did the Dems put them up to it (and how did they talk them into it)? Were Andy and Ron on the phone (do they call each other?) and they started talking politics? Boggle.

Leanright: an endorsement from the late, great Don Knotts would be impressive, indeed, not least of all because Mr. Knotts passed away two years ago. Anson Williams, however, is alive and kicking. I have no idea who he supports this year in the election, however.

And Leanright, I suspect Mr. Knotts still gets the same kind of love in Michelle's home state that Mr. Griffith gets in mine. Me? I just think the man was a fucking brilliant comic actor, and the role you allude to is one that's sort of made him an honorary North Carolinian for the past fifty years. Just to clarify a few things, you know.
Eric, not just home state, homeTOWN.

His brother lived two houses down from us when I was growing up--not that I ever saw him or anything, but I certainly *knew* he lived there.
vince said…
I enjoyed that - thanks for getting it back up. I also liked how it ended on a call to vote without a final request to vote for Obama.

No matter what your leanings, this is an important election, not just on the national level, but on the state and local level.
Anonymous said…
I'm well aware as to whom is still alive and not. Living south of Hollywoodland, hearing another celebrity endorsement for Obama is, well, as interesting as, any random Thursday.

We've got a few of our own over here on the right. Unfortunately they are not nearly as vocal.
Eric said…
Still sorta missing the point, Leanright.

That was very generous of you Eric.

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