Other than that, it was a nice drive home

On the way home from work tonight, I got behind a 1974 VW Beetle during part of my drive--the car's year was printed on the license plate.

On its official antique car license plate.

I was born in 1972.

That means I am officially two years older than an antique.

Fuck you, 1974 VW Beetle. Fuck. You.


Anonymous said…
Practically speaking, don't cars have to be 25 years old to be antiques? While a 25 year old human is really still not old enough to reproduce or take full control of their trust fund. ;) Not that anyone in my family has one of the latter...
Eric said…
Only 25...? So you're telling me I'm actually eleven years older than antiques.

Thanks. Thanks a lot, Jeri.

Jim Wright said…
Yeah, and I'm over a decade older than you. So try to guess which two words I'm thinking of right now. :)
Anonymous said…
Yer old, boy.

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