Quote of the day (Or: "A Hallmark Passion")
From a piece in Slate today, endeavoring to explain why Easter hasn't become as secularized (and commercialized) as Christmas (a holiday about ham presents, as we all know):
Despite the awesome theological implications (Christians believe that the infant lying in the manger is the son of God), the Christmas story is easily reduced to pablum. How pleasant it is in mid-December to open a Christmas card with a pretty picture of Mary and Joseph gazing beatifically at their son, with the shepherds and the angels beaming in delight. The Christmas story, with its friendly resonances of marriage, family, babies, animals, angels, and—thanks to the wise men—gifts, is eminently marketable to popular culture. It's a Thomas Kinkade painting come to life.On the other hand, a card bearing the image of a near-naked man being stripped, beaten, tortured, and nailed through his hands and feet onto a wooden crucifix is a markedly less pleasant piece of mail.
Especially, I imagine, if you open the card and it reads, "Thinking Of You!"
A-Hahahahaha. Touche'