
Showing posts from January, 2009

How the University of Pennsylvania helped cause Judgment Day:

Torturous education

Political cocktails

Neverwednesday Nights

Ten things I learned from La Vita è bella (Life Is Beautiful)

An open letter to a bunch of ignorant, heartless, self-righteous retards

Be kind, please litter

No dark sarcasm in the classroom

Friday night cat movie blogging thing

"I have seen the enemy and he is us"

Making lemonade

Neverwednesday Nights

A helluva picture of a helluva crowd

I am extremely proud to be an American right now

Two things at once

R.I.P. Ficlets


Writing software

Mr. Bush, homebound


The Eagles, Time Warner Cable Arena, January 14, 2009

Matt Harding confesses

Neverwednesday Nights

Number 6 leaves The Village

God bless America