Things you will almost certainly never hear after an intruder is killed during a botched home invasion

"The homeowner should have kept better care of that house if they didn't want someone to break into it. Why was that house even in that neighborhood?"

"This wouldn't have happened if the homeowner hadn't engaged in risky behavior like home ownership. If their home was broken into, they deserved it. Why punish the intruder?"

"Just think of all the potential that poor human being could have had if they hadn't been killed during a botched home invasion. They could have turned out to be anybody. A painter, a poet, someone who cured cancer."

"All life is sacred, and if someone breaks into your home you have an obligation to let them take whatever they want, live there however long they want to, do whatver they'd like to the people living there."

"Doesn't The Bible say you ought to give someone their cloak if they ask for it? Same thing applies to the TV set in your living room."

"Home security services are murderers and should go to prison (or worse) for helping people who have had their home invaded."

"Defense of the home should be legal, but rare, and should only happen in cases where the homeowner's life is clearly in danger or the intruder was a family member."

"Matthew Hale wrote, 'But if A. kill him in defense of his house, it is neither justifiable, nor within the privilege of se defendendo, for he entered only as a trespasser, and therefore it is at least common manslaughter.'"


Eric said…
I will confess that the Hale quote is a little cherry-picked: Hale's comments about self-defense and home defense are far more complicated and nuanced than some of his views about, oh, you know, other things. But it's probably obvious why it's included.

It's from History of the Pleas of the Crown, vol. I, findable online if you care to.

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