Because SOTSOGM isn't a journalism site (or, let's be honest, even a very active site these days), it always astounds me when somebody who knows something has even heard of this blog, much less sent me anything of any import whatsoever.

So imagine my astonishment when I checked my mailbox this morning and discovered, mere minutes before Attorney General Barr announced that the redacted version of the Mueller Report would be made public, that someone within the deep state actually sent me a page from the redacted report.

I was gobsmacked.  I was shocked.  I was slackjawed and mind-blown, folks.  Granted, this isn't a page from the unredacted Mueller Report.  So we have no idea what is beneath the bars of black text.  And I have to inform you with much regret that the page I received is heavily redacted.  Nevertheless, this portion of the report does at least give us some vague (I cannot emphasize enough) hints about what might be gleaned from the full report in either its redacted or unredacted form.

Yes, clearly this page--even if it is but a single page--is of great public interest.  And clearly even the redacted page is of huge import.  So, exercising my full First Amendment rights and hoping that this will not lead to some kind of criminal prosecution of your humble blogger, I present to you in its... well, not exactly full glory, a page from the Mueller Report, days in advance of the official release date not quite yet determined by the Attorney General.  I hope you will find what is there to be as revealing as I did:


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