"What have we done, oh Maggie what have we done?"

EDITED TO ADD:  Oh, you know what?  I should have included this one, too:

The nicest thing I can thing I can think of to say about Thatcher is it's been a damn long time since she held office.  Long enough for some people to think she was just a little old lady, and not someone who invaded the Falklands and gutted the British economy.  Anyway.


TimBo said…
I don't really think you can say she invaded the Faulklands, more like repelled the Argentinian invasion. Nonetheless, she was purely repulsive based on the politicians of the day. Based on the politicians off today she was pretty normal.
Eric said…
A distressing--and probably true--idea.
Mama Karen said…
I'm clinging to the positive of that she was the only woman British prime minister...not at all inconsequential that the Brits managed that given how many women we've had in the White House.
Eric said…
"It always struck me as peculiar, too, when the Spice Girls briefly championed Thatcher as an early example of girl power. I don't see that. She is an anomaly; a product of the freak-onomy of her time. Barack Obama, interestingly, said in his statement that she had 'broken the glass ceiling for other women'. Only in the sense that all the women beneath her were blinded by falling shards. She is an icon of individualism, not of feminism." - Russell Brand
Mama Karen said…
It's been probably too long to justify another comment, but I want to say it anyway (and I'm procrastinating...heh). It is fine to say that she didn't help women because she was a bad leader. But only a man would say that. To have the pleasure of distinguishing between a bad female Prime Minister of England (or US President...or other world leader) and a good one is a privilege women cannot, as yet, experience. Better, in many ways, a bad one than not at all.

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