Devo, "Don't Roof Rack Me, Bro! (Seamus Unleashed)"
Gods, I love Devo. I love the music of Devo. I love the history of Devo. I love the idea of Devo. I love that they've released a protest song on behalf of Seamus, the Irish setter Mitt Romney stuck on top of his car for a twelve-hour drive.
This story has been floating around for years, but it can't be repeated too damn often, can it? What the hell is wrong with someone, they think that's a good idea? I mean, seriously, what the hell is wrong with someone, they think that's a good idea?
Even Leon Kowalski would be able to figure that one out, and he'd at least be smart enough to fake the right answer. I guess it suggests Romney's a Nexus-5.
This story has been floating around for years, but it can't be repeated too damn often, can it? What the hell is wrong with someone, they think that's a good idea? I mean, seriously, what the hell is wrong with someone, they think that's a good idea?
Even Leon Kowalski would be able to figure that one out, and he'd at least be smart enough to fake the right answer. I guess it suggests Romney's a Nexus-5.
1. I first saw Devo when the band was on SNL. This was (Google tells me) in 1978. Me and my older buddy Barry were four sheets to the wind and SNL cut to a commercial. When they cut back, the Devo video was playing. No transition, no introductxion. I cannot begin to tell you what went through our brains as Devo happened to us.
2. I later saw Devo at the Santa Monica Civic. Google tells me this could have been in 1979, 1980, or 1981. I would think it would be one of the two earlier choices, but memory fails me. Anyway, they had folding chairs (this was before the mosh pits became de rigueur) and you had to stand on your chair to see anything. I remember focusing on standing upright because, well, it was a challenge. But the dude next to me spent the evening upchucking whatever he had taken. So I felt like I had my act together, at least in comparison. But the circumstances were such that I have little other memories of that moment to share.
Good times? Good times?