I adore Wolfsmoke Studios' take on Catwoman and Batman. How can I get more of this, lots more? An entire series of anime 1930s Batman? Yes, please.
This is part of the character's endurance, of course. There aren't actually all that many seventy-three year old comic book characters still romping around and selling out movie theatres. Batman does. Why? Because he's an idea for a character, as much as anything: he can be translated into the past or the future, from America to any other place in the universe, and he's still cool.
My brain's a little scattered, tell you the truth, and I don't know that I have much more than. "Batman. Cool. Good," on the brain.
(I'd like this meme to be Mitt Romney's main contribution to American civilization (as opposed to him getting elected President--ugh): noun, monosyllabic adjective, monosyllabic adjective. "How's the writing going?" Words. Hard. Bad. "What's the weather like?" Weather. Clouds. Rain. It's like what you'd get if The Hulk became a beat poet, y'know?)
This is part of the character's endurance, of course. There aren't actually all that many seventy-three year old comic book characters still romping around and selling out movie theatres. Batman does. Why? Because he's an idea for a character, as much as anything: he can be translated into the past or the future, from America to any other place in the universe, and he's still cool.
My brain's a little scattered, tell you the truth, and I don't know that I have much more than. "Batman. Cool. Good," on the brain.
(I'd like this meme to be Mitt Romney's main contribution to American civilization (as opposed to him getting elected President--ugh): noun, monosyllabic adjective, monosyllabic adjective. "How's the writing going?" Words. Hard. Bad. "What's the weather like?" Weather. Clouds. Rain. It's like what you'd get if The Hulk became a beat poet, y'know?)
It doesn't seem to be on sale anywhere yet.