Emmylou Harris (featuring Shawn Colvin, Patty Griffin and Buddy Miller), "Love And Happiness"

The other evening I found myself in the mood for some Emmylou Harris, but discovered (to my chagrin) that the only album I had uploaded to Google Music was her collaboration with Mark Knopfler, All The Roadrunning. That was good enough, and then the ScatterKat and I listened to some Dire Straits with dinner, still....

I have quite a bit more Emmylou. The situation right now, though, is that the CDs are upstairs with the amplifier, which has evidently gone deaf in the left channel, and meanwhile the surplus netbook that was drafted into service as a music server in the living/dining area just hasn't been cutting it and I've basically unplugged it, and I may have rehabilitated a laptop that was having some hard drive problems as a replacement (switching out the dead drive for a happier one) but that hasn't gone into service yet--well, I can't imagine you'd care, actually. The bottom line is I found myself hungry for tunes the other evening and that meant streaming them from Google Music instead of a big hard drive or from CD, and I had available what I had available.

Meanwhile, enjoy this one. I'm still struggling to come up with something to write about, you can see.


Nathan said…
I think you do this to me on purpose. Once again, you've posted a song and I was totally expecting a different song. (This one's great, but I'd love to hear this bunch covering Al Green's "Love and Happiness".)
Nathan said…
But this bunch isn't too shabby.


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