Dumb quote of the day--George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina edition
You dont [sic] get to make the rules. I am the george tierney [sic] that made the comments to sandra fluke [sic], not to you..take it off google [sic]. If it goes to a lawyer, it will be settled in court, with me getting paid.
George Tierney Jr- George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina,
as quoted by TBogg,
"Internet Man Does Not Want To Be
On The Google Anymore",
George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina ought to have thought twice about tweeting,
For those of you who aren't on Twitter, let me point out something you may not know yourselves, specifically that the "@SandraFluke" in the previous quotes is treated by Twitter as a delivery notice, i.e. George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina sent those messages directly and publicly to Sandra Fluke and they appeared in her Twitter feed not only to her, herself, but to every single person following her on Twitter. Not only is it understandable that she took umbrage to insults sent directly to her, but it's inevitable that lots and lots of people would also take umbrage on her behalf, or take umbrage even if she didn't.
I'm not sure how a grown man doesn't reckon on the fact that Twitter is a public forum or use an "@" tag without understanding he's posting his comments directly and publicly to his target, or understand that he might as well be posting his comments on a billboard. In point of fact, he'd probably get a smaller audience if he put up a billboard. (Hell, fifteen percent of George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina's neighbors wouldn't even be able to read the damn thing anyway.)
But if you're going to be an asshole, own it, y'know? I've got to say that much. You can at least give a fat fuck like Rush Limbaugh his due insofar as when he says something stupid and bigoted and offensive, at least his first instinct when he's called on it is to double down instead of threatening to sue a blogger unless the blogger "take[s] it off google". Congratulations, George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, you've discovered that public comments made publicly are public.
I wouldn't expect any less of a South Carolinian. Someone remind me again why the United States took 'em back after the Great Sedition of '61? Oh yeah: it would have been too expensive to build a bridge to Georgia.
But I have to admit, I'm not just piling on because George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina is a misogynist with a profound misunderstanding of how the tech he uses works. Jackasses are a dime a hundred dozen on the Internet. And Sandra Fluke has plenty of defenders, whether I assume the honor of joining them or tepidly stay on the sideline. No, George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina said something else that offended me:
From North Carolina to you, Mr. George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina: no, fuck you, asshole. First of all, not everybody in this state is your kind of ignorant, dumbass prick. And second of all, part of the reason I'm happy to call you an ignorant, dumbass prick is that that's not what Amendment One said, asshole: it doesn't say "no insurance for a gay couple", it says
So, first of all, there's nothing in the Amendment that keeps a private employer from contracting with a private employee to provide benefits, including insurance, for a same-sex partner. Second of all, there's nothing in the Amendment that permits a public employer (e.g. a county government) to offer benefits to the opposite-sex domestic partner of a heterosexual employee (though there may be some doubt as to how enforceable those contracts really are under the Amendment: technically, they're enforceable, but I wonder if a party seeking to void the contract could use the Amendment to argue unconscionability). Thirdly, the Amendment makes no distinction at all between gays and straights at all except to define marriage between one man and one woman as the only domestic legal union state law will recognize: therefore, it strips unmarried straight couples and gay couples alike of any rights they may have had in their domestic union, potentially impacting not just insurance rights, but also potentially impacting child custody rights, domestic violence rights, etc.
Or, in other words, one of the problems with what the idiots in my state have done is that it doesn't just do what they wanted it to. What they wanted, probably, was to ban gay marriages (including the issue you jump on, George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, you vacuous, uninformed, lazy-brained jackhole), but what they actually did was screw up all domestic partnerships of any kind whatsoever in this state.
Y'know, George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, you have a big, ugly mouth. You don't know what the hell you're talking about and you'd do yourself a favor if you made even half an effort to hold that micturient bladder of a brain of yours 'til the next highway rest stop before you sprinkled the world with your crude illiterate pissings. Or, to put it in the monosyllabic gutturals you'll comprehend: fuck off, dickhead.
@SandraFluke when are you gonna shut that god damn dick sucker?
@SandraFluke the fact that you are a liar, a fake, and a grandstander, makes my point relavent. CRAWL back under your rock. CUNT
For those of you who aren't on Twitter, let me point out something you may not know yourselves, specifically that the "@SandraFluke" in the previous quotes is treated by Twitter as a delivery notice, i.e. George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina sent those messages directly and publicly to Sandra Fluke and they appeared in her Twitter feed not only to her, herself, but to every single person following her on Twitter. Not only is it understandable that she took umbrage to insults sent directly to her, but it's inevitable that lots and lots of people would also take umbrage on her behalf, or take umbrage even if she didn't.
I'm not sure how a grown man doesn't reckon on the fact that Twitter is a public forum or use an "@" tag without understanding he's posting his comments directly and publicly to his target, or understand that he might as well be posting his comments on a billboard. In point of fact, he'd probably get a smaller audience if he put up a billboard. (Hell, fifteen percent of George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina's neighbors wouldn't even be able to read the damn thing anyway.)
But if you're going to be an asshole, own it, y'know? I've got to say that much. You can at least give a fat fuck like Rush Limbaugh his due insofar as when he says something stupid and bigoted and offensive, at least his first instinct when he's called on it is to double down instead of threatening to sue a blogger unless the blogger "take[s] it off google". Congratulations, George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, you've discovered that public comments made publicly are public.
I wouldn't expect any less of a South Carolinian. Someone remind me again why the United States took 'em back after the Great Sedition of '61? Oh yeah: it would have been too expensive to build a bridge to Georgia.
But I have to admit, I'm not just piling on because George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina is a misogynist with a profound misunderstanding of how the tech he uses works. Jackasses are a dime a hundred dozen on the Internet. And Sandra Fluke has plenty of defenders, whether I assume the honor of joining them or tepidly stay on the sideline. No, George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina said something else that offended me:
@itsTaraElmore dear NC...rock on! fuck off to those who are whining...no one said you couldnt fuck, just no insurance for a gay couple
From North Carolina to you, Mr. George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina: no, fuck you, asshole. First of all, not everybody in this state is your kind of ignorant, dumbass prick. And second of all, part of the reason I'm happy to call you an ignorant, dumbass prick is that that's not what Amendment One said, asshole: it doesn't say "no insurance for a gay couple", it says
Marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this State. This section does not prohibit a private party from entering into contracts with another private party; nor does this section prohibit courts from adjudicating the rights of private parties pursuant to such contracts.
So, first of all, there's nothing in the Amendment that keeps a private employer from contracting with a private employee to provide benefits, including insurance, for a same-sex partner. Second of all, there's nothing in the Amendment that permits a public employer (e.g. a county government) to offer benefits to the opposite-sex domestic partner of a heterosexual employee (though there may be some doubt as to how enforceable those contracts really are under the Amendment: technically, they're enforceable, but I wonder if a party seeking to void the contract could use the Amendment to argue unconscionability). Thirdly, the Amendment makes no distinction at all between gays and straights at all except to define marriage between one man and one woman as the only domestic legal union state law will recognize: therefore, it strips unmarried straight couples and gay couples alike of any rights they may have had in their domestic union, potentially impacting not just insurance rights, but also potentially impacting child custody rights, domestic violence rights, etc.
Or, in other words, one of the problems with what the idiots in my state have done is that it doesn't just do what they wanted it to. What they wanted, probably, was to ban gay marriages (including the issue you jump on, George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, you vacuous, uninformed, lazy-brained jackhole), but what they actually did was screw up all domestic partnerships of any kind whatsoever in this state.
Y'know, George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, you have a big, ugly mouth. You don't know what the hell you're talking about and you'd do yourself a favor if you made even half an effort to hold that micturient bladder of a brain of yours 'til the next highway rest stop before you sprinkled the world with your crude illiterate pissings. Or, to put it in the monosyllabic gutturals you'll comprehend: fuck off, dickhead.
My company is doing just that for my colleague in NC. We are in your state, subverting your bigotry. :p