"FCU: Fact Checkers Unit "

Via David Haglund at Slate, a 2007 short that definitely seems relevant in light of The Lifespan Of A Fact and the recent Daisey/This American Life kerfuffle (not to mention a recurring subject around here lately).

Naturally, it seems to me that an author getting it right in the first place would be preferable to a couple of guys breaking into Bill Murray's home (which, by the way, I thought was in Beverly Hills en route to Pacific Playland, but whatever).

While I'm here, and in case you missed me mentioning it on Twitter, the Los Angeles Review Of Books has a pair of excellent, thoughtful pieces by Ander Monson and Lee Gutkind about creative nonfiction and the responsibilities of writers to their readers and the truth/Truth, both of which are worth reading if you have the time and interest.


Robbin said…
HAHA!! I am sending this to the peeps in my office since I'm the fact checking maven 'round here.
vince said…
I think the subject is important, and I'm glad you've been talking about it. That's why, where at all possible, I try and fact-check everything I read. It's not always possible, of course, sometimes because the claims aren't easily verifiable, sometimes because the subject requires more knowledge about a subject than I have.

I intend to give both pieces you recommended a read.
Nathan said…
I'll watch the video in a minute, but I just wanted to gloat that I TOTALLY got the Zombieland reference before I clicked the link.

I am absolutely awesome!
Nathan said…
And I TOTALLY recognized the loft location!

I am absolutely double-triple awesome.

I may need to rest up now from my massive outlay of awesomeness.

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