Dropping in at my own place, bringing nothing to the table

I was proud of myself for having a Boxing Day post in the chute before I went down to see my mom and sister this weekend; I'm much less proud to discover that I have nothing to write about the day after Boxing Day. I was assuming--wrongly, apparently--that something would show up and save me, some topic of conversation or significant incident that would be worth writing about.


Christmas with the family was excellent. Gifts were exchanged and seemed appreciated; I can say I liked the things I received, though I can only hope the things I gave were/are/will be enjoyed. And now I've exhausted this as a writing topic for the nonce.

Ditto for hanging out with friends online playing The Old Republic: excellent, appreciated, and now I've exhausted it as a writing topic, just about. It's a heck of a fun game so far; I've never played an MMORPG before, or at least not a subscriber one with the fighting and shooting and people running around on dozens of quests. This is all new to me, but it's Star Wars and it's Bioware, one of the best game companies out there, and a bunch of my friends were doing it, so how could I not? Okay, now I've exhausted it.

All-in-all, what we have here is an uninteresting filler post. My apologies. I will try to have something this week.

How are you, today?


TimBo said…
I'm very well, thanks for asking.

I had a Grandson Christmas, possibly the best kind to have. Jonah, almost two, managed to put a camera in the microwave and turn it on filling his apartment with smoke on Christmas Eve (He's so clever! Imagine being able to operate a microwave at two!). As a result mom and his two brothers spent three days at my house over at my house where the microwave is much harder to access.

I didn't get any presents that are particularly exciting, but spending the time with the people I love most in the world was awesome.
Tom said…
I was so busy reading your filler post that I didn't realize it was a filler post. Stupid me!

I scrolled down a bit, saw the end of the post, and thought "Yay, I can read this!" Sometimes I'm a bit daunted by your brevitylessness. I'll try not to let that hamper my enjoyment of SOTSOGM for the future. :)

Merry Second Day After Christmas (unBoxing Day), and Happy Third Day (re-Boxing Day), too.
Tom said…
And May the Fourth be with you and SC.

recuali: What Eddie keeps trying to do to the Beav's brother.
Eric said…
timb: I'm glad you had a happy Christmas, and gladder still that your family's budding Mad Scientist didn't burn the apartment down!

Spending time with loved ones is what it's all about.

Tom: Merry unBoxing and reBoxing days to you, too!

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