Quote of the day--I'M not stupid, YOU'RE the stupid edition

On May 21, this last weekend, this is where the spiritual aspect of it really comes through. God again brought judgment on the world. We didn’t see any difference but God brought Judgment Day to bear upon the whole world.

-100% accurate end of days prophet Harold Camping explaining how he was right about last
weekend's Rapture all along, you're just dumb,
as quoted by San Francisco International Business Times,
"Harold Camping says to wait and watch till October 21", May 23rd, 2011


TimBo said…
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Eric said…
Could be that doubling down is the smart move: he predicts the Rapture enough times, he's bound to eventually be right about one of them.
Tom said…
"he's bound to eventually be right about one of them." Umm, no. My prediction is that God is not going to destroy the Universe for (Sagan voice) "billions and billions..." of years. He might choose to fire an asteroid at the Earth, so I won't predict we (humans, H. Sapiens, life on Earth) will last that long, but yeah, we'll still be here long after H. Camping and his unique sub-species (see what I did there?) are gone, baby, gone.

It's hard to go wrong betting against fruitcakes. (me)

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