Happy Thanksgiving From Standing On The Shoulders Of Giant Midgets!*
*Unless you're in one of the one-hundred-eighty-odd countries that aren't the United States Of America, in which case, ummm... have a nice day. How are you? Are you having anything special for dinner? I'm roasting a duck. Lots of people here are having pies and cookies, not to mention the traditional turkey. Anyway, hope you're having a good day and all that.
Anyway, Happy Turkey Day!
Because you live in the US.
I happen to know you have a very rich fantasy life. Go ahead and have a turkey today and pretend American-nessitudeness! Eat a yam! Pour cranberry sauce out of a can (letting it retain the shape of the can) and then ignore it to your heart's content!
Or have a bowl of Cheerios and just pretend it's all of those things. It's all good.
But happy Thursday, regardless!
Word verification: "dinduoun". This Canadian thinks that's funny on American Thanksgiving. ("Dindon" is French for "turkey".)