Oh, and speaking of sequels...

There is, I confess, one sequel coming out this year I'm kinda stoked about. And it's a fucking Disney film, for cryin' out loud. And it's in 3D, which I think is an obnoxious fad that should die out. I'm pumped about a 3D Disney sequel?! How the fuck does that happen?

The heart wants what it wants, I guess.

Anyway, if you haven't already seen it, here's Daft Punk's "Derezzed," from their soundtrack for this December's TRON: Legacy:


jamie said…
I haven't even seen the first TRON and I want to see this! Of course I'm the only one in my family who wants to go. Surely the first movie can't be that bad?
Eric said…
The first movie looks great in a first-gen CGI way and has a great cast, but suffers from a kind of cheesy script, to be honest. It's one of those movies that, ironically, would be better without any plot: action scenes and establishing or in-between shots are pretty cool, but then things kind of grind to a halt and get goofy whenever people stop to have a conversation about the plot, etc.

I don't know if Legacy will have that problem or not, but the trailers at least look really, really gorgeous. It may be a helluva spectacle whether it has a working story or not....

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