Charity begins at home

My friend Janiece felt injury was added to insult when she found out that yesterday's Beckalapooza was structured so that donations to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation would cover Beck and Palin's speaker fees before the Foundation would see any money from the event. Hey, y'know, "Charity begins at home" and all that--gotta make sure Beck's number-one cause gets the financial support he it needs....

Inspired, I decided one of Beck's obnoxious little posters could use some tweaking. It's not great, but honestly, I got bored midway through trying to match the colors and ended up doing a pretty simple color sample remap instead of trying to posterize and repaint the whole thing... well, anyway, it's good enough for my purposes.

Janiece, this one's for you:


Janiece said…
Thanks, Eric.

Do you think you could modify it to include an ice pick sticking out of his ear?

Tom said…
I can almost see the horns.

shawini: nope, not going there.
rbird said…
This was my favorite take on the rally:
rbird said…
Janiece, I think so too! I love that they call it boring and really disempower Beck and his supporters with the pictures of people looking bored on the lawn. Gawker always cracks me up.

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