
The Internet's primary effect on how we think will only reveal itself when it affects the cultural milieu of thought, not just the behavior of individual users. The members of the Invisible College did not live to see the full flowering of the scientific method, and we will not live to see what use humanity makes of a medium for sharing that is cheap, instant, and global (both in the sense of 'comes from everyone' and 'goes everywhere.') We are, however, the people who are setting the earliest patterns for this medium. Our fate won't matter much, but the norms we set will.

Actually, I'm putting this up here as sort of a note to myself because I'm kind of interested in thinking about the implications of this and some of Shirky's other observations in the same essay. First, I started to text it to myself, then e-mail it instead, then I thought about making a Writer's Café journal note, then I thought this was a place I'd be likely to see it and hey, maybe some of you would find it interesting, too.

Feel free to comment on it, or not. Like I said, I'm kind of sticking it here where I'll see it through the week and not so much to make any particular observations about it myself. Sort of an online corkboard, kind of.


TimBo said…
Pehaps this is the beginning of the blog post as "note to self" usage. That makes it a kind of meta-posting.
Eric said…
It's funny, one of the reasons I added a sidebar link to Echo Bazaar was so I could find it, and I use the friends sidebar to help keep track of their blogs.

Like the foundations of the Earth, this blog is turtles all the way down, really....
And the Internet's impact on "how we think" probably isn't going to be it's major impact anyway.

No one predicted that the major impacts of the automobile would be the suburb and backseat conceptions. :D
Grrrr "its" not "it's". My fingers get dumber as I get older...
Eric said…
The suburb can be classified as a change in how we think, specifically how we think about what a community is and a conceptual change in how we perceive the relationship between where we live and where we work (although trains played a role in the creation of the commuter as well).

The car may have changed how we thought about where we could have sex, too, although people were getting knocked up in barns and wagons ages before drive-ins and lovers' lanes were invented. (Actually, I wonder: did "lovers' lane preexist the car? It might have, at that.)
Yes they did. The car jut made it easier to avoid the poison ivy. :D

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