Not safe for work? I'm not sure this film is safe for anywhere...

This short film, "BLUE: An Erotic Life" by Tibo Charroppin, is amazing. It's also, I feel obligated to warn you, not the least bit safe for work, what with all the Play-Doh™ sex, drug abuse, autoerotic asphyxiation, etc. But it is funny as hell. Seriously. If you think a blue blob of Play-Doh™ fucking is funny. Which it totally is.

(H/T to IO9!)


Janiece said…
I can die now, my life complete. I have seen Play-Doh™ pole dancing.


Thanks, Eric.
Jim Wright said…
Dude, seriously, what do you have to put into the Google to find that on the web? For the love of Dog, man, get help before it's too late. know, if you had a FB account, you could be sharing that with a lot of people who would really, really appreciate it. Why do you deny them, Eric? Why?
Eric said…
I have no idea, but notice the hat-tip to IO9: how did they find it? And does it really count as SF/F?

But if I shared it on Facebook, just think of all the non-Facebookians who wouldn't get to see it. The five of them deserved to be entertained, too, don't they?
Jim Wright said…
No, Eric, they don't. They're not on FB, by definition they're LOOOOOOSERS. Losers.
neurondoc said…
Damn, that was freaking hilarious.

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