Dear Republicans, teabaggers, pundits, and others whining about the healthcare bill:
Hey, I didn't want the House to pass that bill, either.
I wanted the one with a single-payer system.
But, y'know, like the man said--
I wanted the one with a single-payer system.
But, y'know, like the man said--
--so shut the fuck up, already. You fought a long, protracted, dirty battle, and you lost. It happens. Hey, you can't lie and cheat your way out of everything.
And to Speaker Pelosi, President Obama, and the House Democrats: congratulations, good job, well-played, and thank you.
And to Speaker Pelosi, President Obama, and the House Democrats: congratulations, good job, well-played, and thank you.
Standing On The Shoulders Of Giant Midgets
Standing On The Shoulders Of Giant Midgets
Now fix the damn thing, get me my pre-existing condition waiver before 2014, oh, and that "single-payor" thingie...
Of course you could go the complete opposite direction: I can't get a Big Mac without paying for it first so why am I allowed to get lifesaving surgery without paying for it up front, cash-on-the-barrelhead? If I have insurance, naturally they're a business and need to conduct their business rationally--so in such a purely free-market scheme, naturally they'd be entitled to shop around. I mean, hey, why should they be required to pay the first hospital I'm wheeled into when there might be a better bargain on the other side of town, or elsewhere in the state?
See, Dave, you're not the only one who can make a stupid point stupidly!