Enormous raging moronic asstard of the day...

President Bush remains the only president in history to face a foreign attack on the continental mainland of the United States. His responsibility was unlike any other commander in chief in history.
-Jeffrey Scott Shapiro
Bush Billboard a Sign of Hope and Change
Fox News, February 10th, 2010

Sacking of Washington D.C. by British forces, 1814,
during the War Of 1812, Madison Administration.

Wreckage of Columbus, NM, 1916 following
the Battle Of Columbus, Wilson Administration.

(H/T to Jim Wright!)


Jim Wright said…
Dude, this really pissed you off, didn't it?

Spread the love, I always say. Thanks for the Hat Tip.

Netri: Ancient Egyptian queen of the Internet
Jim Wright said…
Me too.

Strine: what teabaggers do when they try to think, "Uh, ouch ya'll, ah think ah strined mah brain..."
Nathan said…
Yeah but, yeah but, yeah but...

You are obviously an America Hater and pictures are obviously totally photoshopped and I guess you get your history books from some damned place like Moscow or Tehran...not good old American textbooks.

You Pinko, Commie, Fascist, Nazi, Socialist, Anarchist Cow!
MWT said…
What now? I'm sorry, but those don't count because nobody has ever heard of them. So there.


unticin = a pharmaceutical that removes ticks

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