Clearly, I have arrived

Great news, everybody! The entire city of Charlotte is now following me on Twitter!

Clearly, I am totally awesome. And I couldn't have done it without your support. Thank you. I promise not to let my newfound fame go to my head--I will always recall how I once was one of the little people who aren't followed by major metropolitan regions, how it was before I became the idol of adoring urban corridors.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Are you sure Charlotte isn't engaging in abusive behavior?

nongw = The US govt now.
Jeff Hentosz said…
You're not gonna report them for spam?
Carol Elaine said…
That is pretty cool. It totally dwarfs the CA Secretary of State and the San Francisco City Attorney following me before I followed them. You've got an entire city following you.

Though, Michelle may be right. That is kinda creepy.)

(Seriously, one of my proudest political geek moments was when CA SoS Debra Bowen started to follow me on Twitter before I followed her. Since she's actually friends with my roommate, it wasn't completely out of left field, but I still totally geeked out. I sorta have a girl crush on her.)

nerrati = The glitterati of the nerd world.
Nathan said…
Did you click on their profile? I'd love to see how they describe themselves.

stedi = search for terrestrial extra-douchey intelligence.
Eric said…
I don't remember what the profile said, but their feed consisted of local weather reports--so maybe not wholly useless, there, though I don't plan to follow them for weather updates.
Jim Wright said…
Charlotte No Clothes is following you? Big fucking deal, I've got like a hundred pornbots hanging on my every tweet.

Jebus, man, get the hell over yourself already.


foryi = jerk in your blogging group (there's always one [usually named Shawn])
WendyB_09 said…
I suppose that somewhat safer than having say NYC follow you. Now that would be really creepy!

inhaling = what, do I have to 'splain everything to you guys?!?! Breathe in, breathe out, move on.
Carol Elaine said…
Eric, I too now have an entire city following me on Twitter: Tehran. Kinda weird, I know, but maybe my pithy observations inspire the city to continue posting "current weather - recent earthquakes."

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