Cool visual for the day

If you regularly visit Astronomy Picture Of The Day (or, perhaps, work for NASA), you may have already seen this recent image of Saturn's moon Enceladus venting ice from beneath the surface, taken by the Cassini probe that's out there now. I feel like I should add more, but what can I add--this image is worth a good ten thousand words, minimum (click on it for a large version--it really is breathtaking). (For the technical details, visit APOD.)


Carol Elaine said…
Yeah, I saw that on APOD - tremendously cool.
Shawn Powers said…
I'm a bit APOD fan, and yes -- this one went in my "backgrounds" folder. :)
Jim Wright said…
Man, that is just plain awesome. I want to go there.
Jeri said…
I love space images - I used to want to be an astronaut so badly, back when we had a space program that MEANT SOMETHING. Very cool, thanks for sharing!

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