And now to break things up with something different...

Yet another example of why I love SMBC:

Notice that I can't say "something completely different." It's not because I'm afraid John Cleese will sue me for stealing his catchphrase--I have the sense that he and the other Pythons have generosities to match their senses of humor. No, it's because I'm not quite halfway through you-know-what. It's completely possible a monkey dressed as Hitler makes an appearance. Hell, it wouldn't even be entirely out of place. Perhaps he'll be riding Alaska's sole willow-eating moose, referred to on page 102. Or he may have been on the selection committee that helped McCain pick Sarah Palin for a running mate.

I'm just saying it wouldn't surprise me at this point. We'll just have to wait and see.


Anonymous said…
Oh Eric! You are a man who keeps a promise (my influence) but I am so afraid for you because you are reading "the book." If I had listened, I would have taken you seriously when you told me Leanright was paying you to read "the book" and I would have paid you more (really expensive and good Tequila and 10.00) to not read the book. Bring it at Christmas. I might be short of toilet paper!


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