For Nathan

It's all true, dude, in fact it's even worse than you think....


vince said…
OK, my moose and deer and bears might be afraid of THAT squirrel.
And to think I was criticized at Clarion for writing a story about armed squirrels: "Giant Cicadas and Other Odd Indignities" at
Southern Fried Weirdness Online. (January 2008)

Dr. Phil
Janiece said…
I'll bet that weapon is genetically locked to squirrel DNA, too.

Next I shall expect a Nathan/Squirrel hybrid.

Jeri said…
Poor skwerl, sold into indentured boy-soldier servitude as a young child and raised to know nothing but the gun and knife.

Pity and fear him.

And - I'd love to see his tiny little bullets. (the ones for his rifle! not the other ones)
And - I'd love to see his tiny little bullets. (the ones for his rifle! not the other ones)

* stealth
* dexterity
* surprise
* big guns

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