Jim: Conan O'Brien, comedic genius that he is (the best years of The Simpsons were the ones when he headed the writing dept.) realizes that Sarah Palin's exit speech wasn't random blithering--it was poetry.
And then Shatner recites it. To coffee-shop beatnik jazz.
It's well-worth your time.
Konstantin: I'm torn between "AWESOME!" (internet high-five!) and "What... have you... unleashed upon the world?"
Nevermind, I saw it as a trending topic on twitter and followed the link. Fuck, Shatner is at his best when he's doing Shatner in dry wit humor. Christ I nearly ruptured a kidney laughing - my Dog, it was beautiful.
Help me, Obi Eric, I'm so confused
And then Shatner recites it. To coffee-shop beatnik jazz.
It's well-worth your time.
Konstantin: I'm torn between "AWESOME!" (internet high-five!) and "What... have you... unleashed upon the world?"
I'm gonna go with "AWESOME!" (high five!)
Wonder if Palin has scene it?
I'm having some kind of aphasia attack today, must be yet another critical brain cell has died. Joy.