The second-wisest Muppet in the entire universe, after Yoda, is Cookie Monster, who astutely observed this fundamental truth, to wit: "'C' is for 'cookie,' that's good enough for me."
What more does one need to know? Just saying.
That is all. Carry on.
I think I'll make some chocolate chip cookies this afternoon.
Which is a dish of ice cream with Doublestuff Oreos placed around the inside rim of the dish as if they were the petals of a flower.
This has the advantage of immeidate availability rather than having to wait for chocolate chip cookies to be made.
The Oreos being the trademarked cookie, not a reference to one of my cats.
OK, I'm easily distracted. "'C' is for 'cookie', that's good enough for me..." as long as there's enough for me.
I prefer to think of Cookie Monster's new "attitude" as being a front, and a further sign of his wisdom and goodness: in his heart, Cookie Monster continues to love cookies more than anything, but out of a concern for the eating habits of small children, he dissembles and tells a little white lie, and makes a point of eating vegetables in public when kids are watching. In private, he remains and always shall be a connoisseur of yummy, yummy cookies, his primary food source (he is, after all, technically a monster--he probably has cousins who subsist on very small rocks and the wounded souls of orphans). Sometimes, sadly, the complexities of the world require us to tell lies for a greater good, and Cookie Monster knows this; lying to children about his eating habits hurts him (sometimes he even weeps googly tears), but he makes the sacrifice that must be made. Brave, brave monster! We shall eat a cookie later today in thy honor!