Plush wisdom

The second-wisest Muppet in the entire universe, after Yoda, is Cookie Monster, who astutely observed this fundamental truth, to wit: "'C' is for 'cookie,' that's good enough for me."

What more does one need to know? Just saying.

That is all. Carry on.


vince said…
You know, with all the idiocy out there, "'C' is for 'cookie,' that's good enough for me." absolutely is what is needed right now.

I think I'll make some chocolate chip cookies this afternoon.
Tom said…
Mmm, an "Oreo flower."

Which is a dish of ice cream with Doublestuff Oreos placed around the inside rim of the dish as if they were the petals of a flower.

This has the advantage of immeidate availability rather than having to wait for chocolate chip cookies to be made.

The Oreos being the trademarked cookie, not a reference to one of my cats.

OK, I'm easily distracted. "'C' is for 'cookie', that's good enough for me..." as long as there's enough for me.
But Cookies are now a "sometimes" food for the C-Monster. :(
Eric said…
I know, John--the times, they are a-changin', and not always for the better.

I prefer to think of Cookie Monster's new "attitude" as being a front, and a further sign of his wisdom and goodness: in his heart, Cookie Monster continues to love cookies more than anything, but out of a concern for the eating habits of small children, he dissembles and tells a little white lie, and makes a point of eating vegetables in public when kids are watching. In private, he remains and always shall be a connoisseur of yummy, yummy cookies, his primary food source (he is, after all, technically a monster--he probably has cousins who subsist on very small rocks and the wounded souls of orphans). Sometimes, sadly, the complexities of the world require us to tell lies for a greater good, and Cookie Monster knows this; lying to children about his eating habits hurts him (sometimes he even weeps googly tears), but he makes the sacrifice that must be made. Brave, brave monster! We shall eat a cookie later today in thy honor!
So you're saying the Cookie Monster is a Democrat? :D
Eric said…
Cookie Monster transcends American political divisions, though he was affiliated with the Greens briefly when he was in college, mostly because of this chick he was dating at the time.

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