Chris Matthews is generally kind of a douche, but he does have his moments... this one, where he offers to mail Congressman John Campbell a copy of President Obama's birth certificate:

Matthews is, of course, absolutely right for a change: the proposed law is a bit of symbolic posturing to cater to the whacko nutjob arm of the right wing, and won't shut them up one bit. Obama's birth certificate has been produced, and they yammer on, much like people yammer on about the moon landings being faked despite displays of moon rocks or Oswald being an innocent patsy despite a document trail of his purchase of the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle identified as the murder weapon and his attempt to murder a police officer during his arrest with the same pistol used to murder Patrolman J.D. Tippit the same day. Conspiranoiacs can't be shut down by the production of facts and use of logic. Should they ever acknowledge President Obama's birth certificate, it will be to call it a fake. Damn clever of the mysterious "them" to forge a document forty-seven years in advance. That's what I call "foresight."

Anyway, the video's fun and worth watching; nothing like humiliating a ridiculous twit who lacks the self-awareness to realize he's a ridiculous twit who's being humiliated....


Jim Wright said…
Oh holy fucking crap! Seriously, what in the hell is wrong with these people? I couldn't watch the entire video. I had to listen to this stupid shit from my in-laws for the last two weeks, I can't take any more.

These are the same retards who go around saying that liberals are mentally ill - these idiots are the ones who need to be put in a straightjacket and pumped full of tranquilizers.
Nathan said…
If you didn't see this, it's pretty wonderful.

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