It's taken a decade, but today I finally did it!

I now have $12.50!

(Hey, sometimes it's the little things that matter, okay?)


Jim Wright said…

i'd say more, but u know...
Eric said…
Indeed I do. We're a sorry lot, aren't we?
vince said…
Saved the last for best, I see.
Leanright said…
What if.....?

Puerto Rico....?
Nathan said…

Now you almost have enough to go see a movie in Manhattan.
Carol Elaine said…
Nathan, Eric has just enough to see a movie in L.A. (unless it's at the Arclight). Hope he doesn't want refreshments, though.
MWT said…
Congrats! :)

My collection eventually became clean laundry. >.>
Ilya said…
Becky has 34 states, and she was complaining at some point that she fell behind on collecting, because, you know, we don't live in America currently. I tried the misguided "aren't you too old for this?" line of reasoning... Clearly, she isn't, she'll be happy to learn...
Eric said…
Nope. Not a state--the page even says it's the first in the "D.C. and U.S. Territories Quarter Program" (which also answers Dave's "what if?"--Puerto Rico is one of the new coins, along with Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the Northern Marianas; what, no Guantanemo Bay quarter?).

Fifty states, fifty quarters. I win. :-P
No taxation without representation!
neurondoc said…
No taxation without representation!

DC reportedly tried 3 times to get "Taxation without Representation" on their quarter, but they ended up settling for Duke Ellington. I wonder if Obama has allowed the Taxation license plates to be put on his limos?

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