Epic fail

Real quick: Joe "The Plumber" Wurzelbacher has told Time that he's quitting the GOP.

Now, let's be honest: on the one hand he's doing the Republican party a favor. I mean, the guy is a total doofus. On the other hand? Yeah, if you're the Republican party and you can't keep your semi-official 2008 presidential mascot, I mean, what the hell? At that point, you might as well go ahead and auction off your website to a store that sells ribbons, balloons and those kazoo-things with the paper tubes on the end that uncurl when you blow on them. Jeez. At this point I have to think the Republican party would be better off if they closed all their doors and absconded in the middle of the night, only to reappear a few days later in fake moustaches claiming to be the brand-new "Repubigan Party".

(H/T yet again to Deus Ex Malcontent!)


neurondoc said…
I just wish he would go away and fix some toilets.
Nathan said…
"...closed all their doors and absconded in the middle of the night..."This makes the specious assumption that the Republicans are capable of finding the middle of anything.
1) Joe the Plumber - I don't want him! Don't send him over here! Maybe the Libertarians will take him.

This makes the specious assumption that the Republicans are capable of finding the middle of anything.

Sure they can. They can find the middle stall in the men's restroom, thought they'll deny THAT even with film.
Eric said…
Thank you, Michelle and Nathan: Nathan, you made me laugh out loud, and Michelle, you made me laugh harder. Thank you both. I needed that.
You want insults, you know where to come. :)
Leanright said…
Nathan, I wouldn't worry. I'm sure the new adminstration will have some oversight and regulation regarding plumbing repairs; perhaps along with a "flush-tax" (THAT was redundant!)
Nathan said…
I'm not sure if this is really on-point, but I'm not sure I trust Joe to do plumbing properly either. The dude's been overflowing sewage for months now.

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