A perfect rainy day

The view from my front downstairs window around five o'clock todayA rainy day today, bleak and bleary--perfect, in other words for a good long movie, or a long good movie, i.e. perfect for sitting down with a big plastic container full of popcorn, a tall pour of Diet Dr. Pepper (or other preferred fizzy poison of your choice) and The Good, The Bad And The Ugly.

Ahhhh. A pretty perfect day. Hope yours was as good, regardless of what your local weather looked like. Anyone do anything interesting?


vince said…
Nothing interesting here. Mostly work, but did get a nap in. Naps are our friend.

Oh, and I'm currently watch "For A Few Dollars More."
Eric said…
I was thinking while I was watching TGTB&TU that one of the neat things about that "trilogy" is that you can make a case for each and every one of them being the "best" one in the series. More definitely has the best characterizations, for instance, and arguably the best plot with the Colonel's revenge quest.

Naps are also undeniably awesome. Except those "dirt naps" the Mob always talks about--apparently those are a totally different thing.
mattw said…
Had to work today. Now I'm putting the final touches on my cover letter and resume. And then I'll be applying for the job.

Soon I will command the peons! Mwahahahahahahaha!
mattw said…
Also, The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly, awesome!
Ilya said…
The weather was passable here, so I went to the park with kids. They cycled and skateboarded (is that a word?), I walked. It was quite nice.
Anonymous said…
I won't tell any of you how the weather is here.

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