Five photos, volume XIII
Blue Ridge Parkway, November 7, 2008.
Photos from the fall, yes, and winter has started. Not that you'd know it around here--Friday, it was 68F° when I was coming home and I had the top down. We'll see whether winter arrives this week or not.
I'm on vacation this week, and there are things I could blog about at some length and might. The "Oh By The Way" series hasn't been abandoned, despite the fact the last entry appeared back in early August (I enjoy writing them, and love the music, but sitting down and writing one takes a minimum of two hours and, well, I'm on vacation). There was also a news item last week about a group of psychologists who--not really that surprisingly, at least in terms of their results--confirmed Stanley Milgram's most famous set of experiments--that's something I'd sort of like to write about and might, but then again it's depressing as all hell in a lot of respects (and, well, I'm on vacation). And there's probably other things I could write about around here.
But there's also time I'll be spending with friends and family, because that's the time of year it is. And I really do need to end my break with the NaNoWriMo book--I took a few weeks off after November 30th, and not really on purpose. I have some time to get back to it (because, well, I'm on vacation).
So, five photos today, and probably more over the course of the week. In the meantime--I hope you like pretty pictures, and while I'm not the biggest fan of the season (as some of you know), I do hope everybody is having a wonderful [insert name of Solstice holiday of your choice] season.
I'm on vacation this week, and there are things I could blog about at some length and might. The "Oh By The Way" series hasn't been abandoned, despite the fact the last entry appeared back in early August (I enjoy writing them, and love the music, but sitting down and writing one takes a minimum of two hours and, well, I'm on vacation). There was also a news item last week about a group of psychologists who--not really that surprisingly, at least in terms of their results--confirmed Stanley Milgram's most famous set of experiments--that's something I'd sort of like to write about and might, but then again it's depressing as all hell in a lot of respects (and, well, I'm on vacation). And there's probably other things I could write about around here.
But there's also time I'll be spending with friends and family, because that's the time of year it is. And I really do need to end my break with the NaNoWriMo book--I took a few weeks off after November 30th, and not really on purpose. I have some time to get back to it (because, well, I'm on vacation).
So, five photos today, and probably more over the course of the week. In the meantime--I hope you like pretty pictures, and while I'm not the biggest fan of the season (as some of you know), I do hope everybody is having a wonderful [insert name of Solstice holiday of your choice] season.
I like the color in that last one.