Well I think I'm being funny....

Ladies and gentlemen, friends and neighbors, regular visitors and people who have stumbled in for the very first time--I give you this blog's very first poll!

What is most likely to end life on Earth as we know it?


Anonymous said…
We know it will be the Vogons because the prophetic religious text, The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, tells us so.

The faithful should start carrying towels now.
Tania said…
I think the LHC actually did end life as we knew it. We just haven't realized it yet.

And I want to know where the hell Sarah Palin got a Minnesota/Dakota/Wisconsin accent.
Eric said…
That's funny, Tania--my Dad said exactly the same thing... about the LHC, I mean. I pointed out that I didn't think they were going to actually start crossing beams until next month. But maybe y'all are onto something.

Sounds like Jeri's a hoopy frood, always knows where her towel is. :-)
Tania said…
Yes, she is a hoopy frood!

I've had such a week (already), I need a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster in the worst way.
Shawn Powers said…
HA! Crossing the beams. That made me snort. Who knew an 80s pop culture film would accurately predict the end of life as we know it. :D
vince said…
Actually I think Sarah Palin may be a Vogon in disguise. But I don't think I want her to read any of her poetry to find out.
vince said…
And I want to know where the hell Sarah Palin got a Minnesota/Dakota/Wisconsin accent.

It ain't no Minnesota accent!

Eric said…
You have to admit, Vince, she does sound sort of like Marge Gunderson.
Jim Wright said…
Well, see, according to The Guide Vogons could have already destroyed Earth. Just saying.

And Palin talks like your typical nasal Valley Dweller. Mostly because, like Florida, everybody here is actually from somewhere else. There really is no "Alaskan" regional accent - but there are a lot of former Minnesotans.
MWT said…
What, it wasn't cold enough for them there?
Jim Wright said…
Beats me, but whenever they need a "Alaskan" accent in a movie - guess which regional accent they use.

People come up here expecting Fargo or something.
Anonymous said…
You see Eric? VOGONS really ARE the downfall of society.

I know you were hoping Sara Palin would win, but then again, if our demise is eminent, it will be at the hand of someone much less "smokin' hot" than the VPILF
Eric said…

You're not going to trick me into saying who or what I thought would win, Leanright. I don't want to mess the poll up, because that wouldn't be any fun. But I will say that it's not particularly difficult to go all Diebold on an online poll's ass--if I wanted a particular nominee to win, it would happen.

Ten days left if you want to vote! Or if you want to vote again! And again! And again!

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