Palin For President!
(A note: yes, if you read Vince's blog, he beat me to an endorsement of Palin For President. What can I say? Vince and I are two of the most extraordinarily clever, sophisticated, wise and attractive men in the United States, and the only reason we aren't running for President ourselves is that we're continuing to negotiate which one of us is "presidentier." Being a gentleman, he insists I am, and I, being just as much the gentleman, insist he is. Inevitably, bringing up the other's piercing intellect, boyish charms and rapier wit leads to hours of us complimenting each other, and meanwhile the economy continues to tank because--and this is Vince's sole fault--he can't see that his recovery plan is vastly superior to mine....
But anyway: on to Palin For President....)
Palin has religious experience, military experience, knows how to get the upper hand in a debate, and knows how to stand up to aggressors. And Palin has traveled all over the world, becoming a familiar figure on the international stage (Palin's even credited with having a "Palin effect" that favorably impacts local economies)! And just consider where Palin comes from--Palin's a small-town with small town values! Just watch the following campaign video to see the strong case for President Palin:
But anyway: on to Palin For President....)
Palin has religious experience, military experience, knows how to get the upper hand in a debate, and knows how to stand up to aggressors. And Palin has traveled all over the world, becoming a familiar figure on the international stage (Palin's even credited with having a "Palin effect" that favorably impacts local economies)! And just consider where Palin comes from--Palin's a small-town with small town values! Just watch the following campaign video to see the strong case for President Palin:
(Well who did you think I was talking about?)
As long as Michael is on the top of the ticket, I'm all for it. Perhaps John Cleese and Eric Idle would make fantastic "Secretaries of Whatever".
And you are BOTH wrong, I am far too handsome to NOT be the next president. If I were in the race, there would BE no race:)
No, sorry. I'll say no more. Forget I mentioned it.
To quote my daughter, don't steal my sunshine.
To help you judge for yourselves, I will allow Vince to present his own economic recovery plan here or on his blog, but I will share mine:
The first thing we need to do, is everybody in the United States needs to get as close to the Canadian border as they can. Young, old, infirm, healthy--everybody will have to make some sacrifice and do their part. But the key thing, the most critical thing, is you need to do it very, very casually. You don't want to attract too much attention.
Now, once everybody is as close to the Canadian border as they can get, I will make a distraction. I'll tell the Russians the Georgians are invading on camelback or announce that we've really found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq after all, after all these years. You'll know the signal, because it will be something a bit ludicrous and mad, but just barely plausible, and it will cause a big international fuss.
As soon as you hear the signal, and this is the most crucial part, run into Canada as fast as you can. Everybody. If you see an American who is sick, or old, or slow, you may have to help him or her as part of your noble patriotic duty. Don't look back! Keep running until you're pretty sure nobody is following, and then you can mill around casually some more and maybe find some place to crash.
Those who don't get out and get busted by Chinese creditors or whoever are on their own. Just remember if you get caught: friends don't rat. We don't know who you are, and you're pretty sure we all just went to the bathroom and will be back at any moment.
And that's how we solve the financial crisis.
After the grimness of the last 8 years, and the noxious bile that is the current campaign, I'll take Michael Palin any day. I could use a few laughs.
A chicken in every pot, and a penguin on every telly!