Best. Cosplay. Ever.
Brought to my attention by the fine folks at Boing Boing, brave and fearless photographer Dot D (Nancy Dorsner) captured this fearsome warrior at this year's Dragon*Con:

Special kudos to the huntress for her boots: it's one thing to take a dangerous beast down for the trophy, but to use as much of the pelt as you can recover shows an honorable commitment to the great circle of nature. You obviously can't tell by looking at her, but I'm guessing she used all the meat as well, and probably the bones for stock.
Special kudos to the huntress for her boots: it's one thing to take a dangerous beast down for the trophy, but to use as much of the pelt as you can recover shows an honorable commitment to the great circle of nature. You obviously can't tell by looking at her, but I'm guessing she used all the meat as well, and probably the bones for stock.