Your past is my future or your future is my present or dammit I had this all worked out a minute ago...

On Thursday, I'm expecting to be very busy Saturday helping a friend. So I wrote this in your past for my future. Which is less confusing than it sounds. Anyway, however it goes, "Everyone Says 'Hi'"--

Hope you (and your big fat dog) are having/will have/had a good weekend.


Janiece said…
What is wrong with his eye? He looks like he has a concussion...
kimby said…
One of my favourite singers...I am a Bowie fan from my earliest memories. I have always found the two coloured eye thing sexy....(Janiece, his eyes have been like that since he was a teen....due to a fight which caused paralysis to the eye..if i remember correctly)
Eric said…
Pretty much what Kimby said. My understanding is that the one eye isn't really a different color, but looks that way because it was permanently dilated by the injury. Probably something he could have corrected but it's been part of his image for so long.

He's an amazing performer, still able to pull out surprises after all this time.
vince said…
I'm another big fan. I still love love, love "Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From mars."

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