Speaking of...
...Jupiter's appearance near the moon: yesterday's Astronomy Picture Of The Day is a beautiful photograph of Jupiter rising over a crumbling Roman temple in Turkey. If you don't click on the photograph to get the full panoramic view, you haven't seen the image. Gorgeous.
...flower pr0n: yesterday's Wondermark is pretty funny. "Bee-pokin'," indeed.
...nothing in particular, it's just trés cool news: the rumors about Bioware's top-secret 'til now project are true... both of them. It was rumored that Bioware was working on a sequel to Knights Of The Old Republic, probably the best Star Wars videogame to date. And it was rumored that Bioware was working on a MMORPG, possibly Star Wars-related. Turns out, as it happens, what everybody's feelings were telling them about the always-in-motion future were true this time: Bioware's big project is a Knights Of The Old Republic MMORPG. I'm not an MMORPG player, actually, but a KOTOR MMORPG from Bioware... yeah, that might pull me in like a Corellian corvette about to be boarded by a KDY Imperial-class Star Destroyer....
...flower pr0n: yesterday's Wondermark is pretty funny. "Bee-pokin'," indeed.
...nothing in particular, it's just trés cool news: the rumors about Bioware's top-secret 'til now project are true... both of them. It was rumored that Bioware was working on a sequel to Knights Of The Old Republic, probably the best Star Wars videogame to date. And it was rumored that Bioware was working on a MMORPG, possibly Star Wars-related. Turns out, as it happens, what everybody's feelings were telling them about the always-in-motion future were true this time: Bioware's big project is a Knights Of The Old Republic MMORPG. I'm not an MMORPG player, actually, but a KOTOR MMORPG from Bioware... yeah, that might pull me in like a Corellian corvette about to be boarded by a KDY Imperial-class Star Destroyer....