Monday Night Movie

I'm off to see The Dark Knight--in IMAX no less! Meanwhile, here's The Casting Call Of Cthulhu... mwah-ha-ha! No, seriously, it's cute--enjoy:


Nathan said…
Just out of curiosity, why are your longitude/latitude coordinates in the middle of the Pacific ocean?
Nathan said…
Well that certainly explains everything.

(And aren't you proud of me that I actually checked the coordinates?)

Eric said…
I was impressed. But now I also wonder: did you ask the question in a Cthulhu movie thread on purpose or by chance? Because it was quite appropriate--and, perhaps ironically, not a hijack, that you asked about the coordinates of R'lyeh in relation to a post involving The Casting Call Of Cthulhu.
Eric said…
Wikipedia on R'lyeh, for those interested.

And it includes a link to this Google Earth page. Heh!

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