The oddest pairing of 2007

In the comments for my post about an idiotic music critic, last year's Raising Sand by Alison Krauss and Robert Plant came up as an example of an old dog (Plant) showing he could learn some new tricks. Rebelcat mentioned that she might have to pick it up (might?!? might?!?); by way of offering another inducement to her (and anyone else) to pick up one of last year's best records, here's Plant and Krauss performing "Please Read The Letter" (an old Plant/Page cut) live:

It's a beautiful record. If you don't already own it, you should be buying it. And let's all be happy that Robert Plant lived long enough to show us this side of himself.


Janiece said…
Eric, I loved this CD, too. Alison Krauss has the sweetest voice on the planet, and I've always been a big fan of Robert Plant ("Now and Zen," anyone?).
Anonymous said…
Hehe. OK that clip made me more conviced that I probably should buy it. Especially when the violin was added. I have a thing for folky fiddles.
*glances at her credit card*

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