Neverwednesday Nights

Still one of my favorite videos of all time: "Karma Police," by Radiohead. I could babble, but I don't have much time and the video speaks quite well for itself.


Nathan said…
Damn! Is it still Wednesday?
Eric said…
Ah, the timelessness of the internet....

I mean, "Why yes, it is! Boy are you having a long week, seems like it ought to be Thursday but it's not!"

Anonymous said…
Hi. It's me, Mom. I am going to try this one more time!! Happy Saturday.
Eric said…
Wednesday... Saturday... this has become a confused post.

Hi, Mom! Welcome to the blog!
Anonymous said…
Mhm...That's a nice video. I watched the vid for Street Spirit a while ago. That's a beautiful vid too.
Eric said…
Rebelcat's right, "Street Spirit" is a gorgeous video, and worth digging up on YouTube if you haven't seen it. (Or there's a decent chance it will show up as a Neverwednesday sooner or later.)

Matter of fact, Radiohead has made a bunch of awesome videos. "There There" is pretty cool, as is the video for "Just."

And while it's not an official video, please check out Low Morale's homemade Flash short for "Creep," which is unbelievably good.
Anonymous said…
Hmm...I so identified myself with Creep back in the 90's. I still do in a way.

When it comes to the vid for Street Spirit, i think it was the first video I saw with those special effects. I was stunded.

I was once told by a friend that she thought "There, there" what about me. I have no idea what she meant :P.

Here is my fav when it comes to Radiohead-songs:

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