"Rented Rooms" and no real entry

Right. I don't have anything particular to blog about right now, and I really need to try to, you know, write. So watch this Tindersticks video. "Rented Rooms." Incredible song, off Curtains. And the edited line is "And when the cab ride ahead seems too long/We go fuck in the bathroom," not that you can tell. (They did a clean job of the edit, at least; parenthetically, the worst radio edit ever might be the radio version of Kirsty MacColl's "Free World," where the line "Gotta get it up and shag it" is changed to "Gotta get it up and wag it"... which, let's face it, sounds a hell of a lot more vulgar than the original line--I mean, the edited version conjures images of flashers in the park, no?)

The video version of the song is kinda interesting. The original album version stays to the same low-key, cabaret vibe from start-to-finish. The video version lurches surprisingly into a big-band version, which is kinda startling when you hear it the first time, if you're familiar with the original album track.

Anyway, a grainy video of a fabulous song:


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