Hello, Cleveland!
It appears that Seth MacFarlane and Fox will be giving Family Guy's Cleveland his own show. I haven't seen a new episode in an extremely long time, but I know there's at least one fan who swings by here--he may have heard the news already. If not, there it is.
It might be noted that there's already precedent for spinning off a show about a black dude from a successful series about a fat, loud-mouthed, super-obnoxious fat white guy who isn't half as smart as he thinks he is. Speaking of which, maybe I should start a betting pool: how many seconds will it take for MacFarlane to make the obvious cultural reference that's sitting right there?
Also, it's funny, I don't watch the show anymore - I just wait for it to come out on DVD. They've actually been pretty smart about it, including bits from episodes that censors made them cut out. The FOX-ready shows are largely tame and toothless by comparison.