For the other half
Half the people (give or take one half) who visit this blog have probably already read Jim Wright's blog entry in which he puts a bigoted douche who kept spamming him with xenophobic junk mail in his place. For the other half (give or take a half), it's worth a look. Jim--who I've never met and wouldn't recognize on the street unless he happened to be dressed exactly as he is in his blog photo, which is unlikely since I live in a place that's roughly 60 F° warmer than his hometown (it's alright: if Jim goes by my blog picture, he thinks I'm a South Park character)--anyway, as I was about to say, Jim is a good egg. Go read the piece, and check out some of his other posts.
(Hint: A regular visitor who turns bowls might particularly enjoy some of the entries and photographs Jim posts of his own wood turning, e.g. this recent post.)
Moving on here, thanks for the link, and the comments over on Stonekettle Station, I always find your opinions insightful and level headed, and I'd love to sit down some day and have a beer with you. Thanks.
Hmm... "ScalziCon 2008"?
Stonekettle Station is great: again, I hope some of the few folks who drop by here who don't already read Jim's blog hop over there and look around some time.