No post, Catherine Wheel

I was going to throw together a post about Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama inspired by a piece I read online in The New Yorker during lunch today, but I actually don't really have the time to put enough thought into it. So, instead, here's Catherine Wheel performing "Fripp" live:

Why? Because I was listening to a different Catherine Wheel song ("Shallow") as I was pulling up in my garage, and I didn't see a video for it on YouTube when I decided to throw up this quota post. ("I'll do a post on my blog every day just to make sure I'm writing something every day." Yearrrrgh! Damn it! What was I thinking?)

"Fripp" is a beautiful song though, and easily my favorite track from Chrome. Hope you enjoy.


Robbin said…
ohhhh...i read that article. you know why? because you got me that magazine for my birthday, and i am addicted to it. (it came in handy at work the other day when i mentioned the story on pakistan and scored me big points, but that another story.)

anyways, i am curious of what you thought about the obama/hillary article.
Eric said…
I still intend to write a piece on it at some point this week, don't know when. By way of a preview: I thought it showed what used to be awesome about Hilary Clinton and didn't give Obama enough credit.

Glad you're enjoying the magazine!
Robbin said…
you are right, it didn't say a whole lot about obama, but it did paint a better picture of hillary, the person.

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