Reasons for Microsoft users to upgrade
Most of my personal computer use is on a Linux box, although I do have a Windows machine I mostly use for playing music, large downloads things like that. However, I did find this review of reasons to upgrade to Windows XP from Vista rather interesting.
Personally, I've had some of the same problems the author notes having with Internet Explorer 7 when running IE7 under XP, but aside from that I do agree that XP is generally stable, reliable and efficient. I don't really have any experience with Vista to base any other comments on. Anyone who happens to read this, feel free to comment on your own Vista experiences, if any. Is Vista a fork or an alternate distro of Windows, or what?
Personally, I've had some of the same problems the author notes having with Internet Explorer 7 when running IE7 under XP, but aside from that I do agree that XP is generally stable, reliable and efficient. I don't really have any experience with Vista to base any other comments on. Anyone who happens to read this, feel free to comment on your own Vista experiences, if any. Is Vista a fork or an alternate distro of Windows, or what?
My one bit of hands-on experience with Vista was, in fact, helping a coworker who unfortunately hadn't understood the difference between "Vista Capable" and "Vista Ready" and had attempted to install the upgrade CD Dell sent her after Vista came out. It turned out I was able to look like a genius merely by rebooting--the thing had simply frozen during that part of the process. I advised her that she'd probably be better off rolling back to XP, but I doubt she did. Hope she hasn't had too many problems since.
The Coding Sanity review, which came to my attention via Slashdot, really is pretty funny in an extremely dry and straight-faced way, if you have time to follow the link.