This is Halloween, everybody make a scene...

Tonight, I'm watching John Carpenter's Halloween (which, I'm embarrassed to admit, I've never seen in its entirety and uncut) and eating popcorn. What are you doing? (Or, depending on if and when you read this, what did you do?)


Robbin said…
i watched "the exorcist" last sunday, and it was really good. of course, some of the scenes border ridiculousness, and there are major gaps in the story line, but it's still spooky as hell. and everyone knows that hell is spooky.

what did i do on halloween? i went to a dance performance with the boy. and then he took me out to dinner. it was really nice, but the restaurant turned out to be right in the thick of all the halloween nyc shananigans, and it was LOUD! i did, however, see someone dressed up as "the dude," complete with a white russian. didn't we watch that together not too long ego?
Eric said…
Not too long ago? It was Christmas. Time flies, don't it?

Sounds like a most excellent Halloween.

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